Team Building

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The main aim of our Adventure Team Events are to have FUN! Whether you are looking for a fun event for an offsite meeting, or you want to address specific needs within your company, like communication and cooperation, Outside Adventures has the perfect Adventure Team Building Event for you.

Our corporate team building events take place in as little as 2.5 hours, or can last as long as a full day.  Each Adventure Team building event is customized to your requirements, and there are different venues in Gauteng and North-West Province to choose from.

Our Team Adventure Days are the perfect events for Offsite meetings, Year-end and Christmas Parties, Sales Conferences, Incentive and Reward Programmes, Annual Conferences, Regional Meetings, Product Launches, Teams in Conflict, Fun Days and any other reason to get out of the office and Play Outside :)

We look forward to working with you and your team!

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